Connection & Understanding One Day Workshop followed by private sessions



Connection & Understanding

"Unlock your horses potential"

Join me, Emma Young and Maja Stocker for a day of learning that will not just benefit you but also benefit your horse.

Tanja Mitton
We will start the day with an enlightening mindset session and end with a powerful rider demo, addressing common training issues caused by the riders position in the saddle. No matter where you are at in your riding there will be lots of great take home messages for you.

Emma Young

is a Masterson Method Instructor and Practitioner. She will demonstrate how to read your horses responses to your touch and how you can help them find and release tension. Emma will teach you how to use the Masterson Method Bladder Meridian Technique.

Maja Stocker                                                                                                                            is an Equine Podiatrist and Masterson Method Practitioner. Maja will help you to get a better understanding of your horses hooves in relation to the body and the impact they has on your horses movement and performance.

Clinic Format:
This is a ONE Day theory workshop filled with demonstrations and discussions. You will not need your horse on day one.

Day two has the option for riders to bring their horse and book into private sessions with each of the educators. 
Clinic Location:
Samford Qld.
Clinic Time:
Day 1 Saturday 31st August 9am-4.30p

Costing Rider Participant:
Day 1

Please contact Emma for more information and bookings on mob. 0435 125 929 



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